Planter Fasciopathy/Heel Pain
What is it? Heel Pain may be called many titles (Plantar Fasciiopathy/ Plantar Fasciitis/Calcaneal Spur etc). it is essentially pain and inflammation occurring under the heel and sometimes extending into the arch of the foot.
The tissues associated with this injury are responsible for keeping the bones and joints in position and assisting push off from the ground when you walk or run.
Bruising or overstretching of these tissues can cause inflammation and heel pain. In many cases this injury can also be related to a heel spur but the spur itself does not commonly cause pain.
Some factors which may increase your risk of this injury are:
Sudden increase in activity which increases strain on the heel bone and attached tissues.
Foot positioning and function.
Age. Muscles supporting the arch weaken increasing strain on the plantar fascia.
Body weight. An increase places greater mechanical load on the plantar fascia and muscles stabilising the arch. Evidence also indicates that being overweight and inactive can lead to chemical damage to the plantar fascia.
Pregnancy. Weight gain, swelling and hormonal changes may lead to mechanical overload of the plantar fascia.
Wearing shoes poorly designed or inappropriate for the activity.
Signs and symptoms: Pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel, and is often most intense with the first steps of the day or after rest. It is commonly associated with long periods of weight bearing or sudden changes in weight bearing or activity.
Make an appointment with our podiatrist today to start your recovery. This may involve footwear advice, muscle rehabilitation, myofascial release and/or orthotic therapy.